Committee of the 6th International Congress on Construction History announces Call for Sessions
20th March 2017
The 6th International Congress on Construction History is going to be held in the beautiful city of Brussels. The organisers have announced a call for sessions which can be downloaded here
Programme for Conference and Annual General Meeting 2017
19th February 2017
We are delighted to announce the Annual general Meeting will be held at the conference on Saturday 8 April 2017. The Annual Lecture will be by Tom F. Peters entitled “”Culture, Construction and Bridge Building: Western and Chinese traditions in construction technology”. The annual general meeting and lecture are free to all members. The full programme of the rest of the conference is now available to download here
13th November 2016
Fourth CHS Annual Conference 7-9 April 2017
The Fourth Annual Conference of the Construction History Society will be held in Queens’ College, Cambridge between the 7 and 9 April 2017. The call for abstracts has been released and was extended until 14 October 2016. For more details click here
Call for Abstracts for Annual Conference Extended
1st October 2016
We have extended the deadline for the call for abstracts until 14 October.
Call for Abstracts for 2017 conference
4th August 2016
The call for abstracts is now out for the 2017 conference taking place in April 2017 in Queens’ College, Cambridge.
AGM and Annual Lecture 2016
10th March 2016
The AGM will take place in the Fitzpatrick Hall in Queens’ College, Cambridge at 11.30 on Saturday 9 April (Tea and biscuits available from 11.00). It will be followed by the Construction History Society Annual Lecture. This year’s lecture is:
Professor Tom Peters
Culture, Concept and Bridge Building:Western and Chinese traditions in construction technology
Venue: Fitzpatrick Hall, Queens’
Start Time: Immediately after the AGM (c.11.45-12)
Duration: 1 Hour
Conference Booking now available
27th January 2016
Conference booking for the Third Annual Conference in Queens’ College, Cambridge is now available online. Confirmation of acceptance of papers will be sent out by 1 February.
Construction History joins citation indices
2nd November 2015
We are delighted to announce that Construction History is now abstracted and indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) as well as in the Current Contents/Arts & Humanities and it is fully searchable on the WEB OF SCIENCE (all produced by Thomson Reuters). It is furthermore abstracted and indexed in SCIMAGO and SCOPUS (Elsevier). Papers from past volumes of Construction History are available on JSTOR and ProQuest.
This means all our authors can be sure of maximum exposure for their work.
Proceedings for Second Conference available for sale
20th October 2015
The Proceedings for both the first and the second conferences on construction history are now available to order online under publications on our website click here
AGM 21 March Cambridge
25th February 2015
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the society will take place on Saturday 21 March at Queens’ College Cambridge at 11.30 as part of the annual conference. All members of the society are welcome to come to the meeting free of charge and it will be followed by the annual lecture. This year’s annual lecture is by Professor Linda Clarke. Title: Valuing Construction Labour. If you wish to attend but are not coming to the conference please contact the secretary.